Please download and review the proposed bylaws changes. You can download an annotated version here. The are to be voted on and accepted during the 2017 Annual Conference.
Major Changes:
1. Two year terms for executive board positions.
2. Private Sector members may serve a regional VP (consistent w/ National NENA)
3. Emergency Dispatcher is now Telecommunicator member.
4. Elimination of Second Vice President position.
5. Streamline nomination and election processes
Aside from that there are minor language changes to bring us inline with NENA. The bylaws will first be sent to NENA for their approval and formal acceptance must be done during the NJ-NENA meeting at the annual conference. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the bylaws committee.
Bylaws Committee: Chairperson – Ray Strilec, Al McNally and Dara Orsini